Aeroplanes DAR ltd.
Brief Flight Manual DAR – Solo
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Upon flying over the traverse in the beginning of the runway
mark the time. After 20-25 s decrease the airspeed to V=70
km/h, at a height of H=150 m start the third turn with a
maximum bank of 30° and a plan to complete the turn at a height
of H=120 m.
After leaving the turn set an airspeed of V=65(70) km/h and
vertical speed of V
=1.0-1.5 m/s; lower the flaps to 11°.
After 12-15 s (visual, watching closely runway approach)
start the fourth turn at a height of Н=80m, a speed of V=65(70)
km/h and a bank of up to 30° with a plan to leave the turn at a
height of Н=50m and a speed of 60(70)km/h.
Maintaining that routine, drop the flaps to 22°.
After dropping the flaps keep the airspeed at V=60(65)km/h
and vertical speed of V
=1.5-2.0m/s, RPM 6500-7000 rev/min.
At 5-7 m start smooth levelling of the airplane by pulling the
throttles levers backwards on min. The leveling must finish at
0.5-1 m above the runway.