Tube Replacement
As usual, the audio tubes used in LP-X1 can last for 10,000 hours or above.
If the tube does not glow, can change out tube for same model, The models
that used in LP-X1of audio tubes: (1) 6N1, (2) 12AX7
CAUTION: If misuse the tube or re-placement the tubes by yourself,
the machine have cause any malfunction, will not be eligible for warranty.
CAUTION: Your LP-X1 contains sufficient levels of voltage and current to be
lethal. Do not tamper with a component or parts inside the unit. Refer any
needed service to your authorized Aeron dealer or other qualified techni-
cian. Should service be necessary, please contact your Aeron dealer,
o r A e r o n C u s t o m e r S e r v i c e E m a i l : i n f o @ l h e . c o m . h k o r
To maintain the visual appearance of your LP-X1, occasionally wipe the front
panel and top cover surfaces with a soft damp (not wet) cloth to remove
dust. A mild, non-alkaline soap solution may be used to remove fingerprints
or similar smudges. Cleaners containing abrasives should not be used as
t hey will d amage t he b ru shed grai n of the f ront p an el fi ni sh.
Disposal and Recycling Guidelines
To dispose of this electronic product, do not place in landfill. This product
may contain regulated materials which upon disposal require special reuse
and recycling processing. Please contact your dealer or importing distribu-
tor for instructions on proper disposal of this product on your country. Pack-
ing and shipping materials may be disposed of in a normal manner.