“AERO” Sp. z o.o.
AT-3 R100
MARCH, 2011
|Page 5-13
5.3.2. Climb after balked landing
It is possible to retract the flaps by hand in not more than 2 sec., without
loss of altitude, or abrupt change in angle of attack, or special piloting
skill. After retracting the wing flaps, the performance of the aeroplane is
as given under 5.2.5. Climb performance
5.3.3. Take-off and landing on grass airstrips
It is possible to perform take-off or landing from grass strips with grass
not longer than 15 cm (a bit less than a half of the wheel diameter). On
short cut grass, the takeoff run increases about 10 %.
5.3.4. Affect of rain or insect remains on aeroplane performance
and handling
No observable affect of rain or sediment of insects on the aeroplane
performance or handling has been noted.
5.3.5. Demonstrated range of operational temperatures
During the test flights, which have been performed in ambient
temperatures from –15
C to +30
C, it has been proven that all systems
operate correctly and the temperature of the components of the power
plant, as well as the engine fluids, remain within the limits established by
the manufacturer of the engine.