This product is NOT a toy and is not suitable for children under the age of 18. Adults
should keep the Aero Hawk UAV out of the reach of children and exercise caution when
operating this aircraft in the presence of children. It is mandatory that any pilot using this
product have a Small Unmanned Aircraft System- Remote Pilot Airman Certificate.
This product is a Aero Hawk product that offers easy to use flight when in good working
order as set forth below. Visit for the most current instructions
and warnings and for more information about flight safety
and compliance.
The information in this document affects your safety and your legal rights and
Read this entire document carefully to ensure proper configuration before use. Failure to
read and follow the instructions and warnings in this document may result in product loss,
serious injury to you, or damage to your aircraft.
By using this product, you hereby signify that you have read this disclaimer carefully and
that you understand and agree to abide by the terms and conditions herein. You agree
that you are solely responsible for your own conduct while using this product, and for any
consequences thereof. You agree to use this product only for purposes that are proper
and in accordance with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations, including international
and domestic airspace regulations, and all terms, precautions, practices, policies and
Aerohawk accepts no liability for damage, injury or any legal responsibility incurred
directly or indirectly from the use of this product. The user shall observe safe and lawful
practices including, but not limited to, those set forth in these Safety Guidelines.
Drone safety information for planes and copters
Drones can be hazardous if operated incorrectly. If you are new to drones, we
recommend learning the ropes first on a mini-drone or simulation software. Make safety
your first priority, and always follow these best practices. It is highly
recommended that
any pilot using this product have a Small Unmanned Aircraft System- Remote Pilot
Airman Certificate.
Spinning propellers can cause serious injury. Become familiar with your drone’s arming
procedure, and always disarm before handling the propellers. On Pixhawk-powered
vehicles, the safety button provides an additional safety measure by blocking power to
the motors while the button is disabled (blinking red), allowing you to handle the drone
When flying, always make sure to keep a safe distance between
yourself and the drone. Don’t take off with the drone facing towards
you or fly directly over your head. It is your job to ensure the safety of
the people around you; make sure that spectators maintain a safe
distance from your drone at all times.
Disclaimer & Warning