Connection with GR2001/GR03
GPRS antenna
for AERWEB300
with GPRS modem on board
RS485 connection with
any other boards
Electric power supply
L-N (230V
RS485 connection
AERWEB300 Board
AER485 Board
Signal “+”, 13
Signal “A”, CONN1
Signal “-”,12
Signal “B”, CONN1
Do not connect the "gnd" signal
Do not connect the cable braid
The maximum length of the entire connection (including all
the connected boards) = 1200 m
ATTENTION: The AER485 serial interface, which is to be connected
to the GR2001/GR3 display board, is required for the connection and
must be purchased separately.
The serial address and the communication parameters must be set on
the GR2001/GR3 board/s - details are found in the user manual.
LAN connection
GR2001/GR3 Display