MultiSensor 6 user guide. : Aeotec by Aeon Labs
If you wish to use Multisensor 6 outdoors, you will need to lower settings, and angle Multisensor 6 accordingly as all environments will
require different solutions or different settings for the motion sensor to work properly. Parameter 4 [1 byte] will determine the sensitivity
of the motion sensor from a value range of 0 disabled to 5 max sensitivity (your ability to configure this setting will depend on the
gateway used).
It is advised that if you are seeing false motion tracking, run trial and error to determine the best sensitivity from a range of 0 - 5 by
going down 1 sensitivity level after every test (first 5, 4, 3, 2, then 1), while setting Parameter 3 [2 byte] to 10 to allow a PIR sensor
timeout of 10 seconds after detecting motion to rapidly determine the best settings for motion use outdoors.
Removing your MultiSensor from Z-Wave Network.
Your MultiSensor can be removed from your Z-Wave network at anytime.You'll need to use your Z-Wave network's main controller to do
this and the following instructions tell you how to do this using Aeotec by Aeon Labs' Z-Stick and Minimote controllers. If you are using
other products as your main Z-Wave controller, please refer to the part of their respective manuals that tells you how remove devices from
your network.
If you're using a Z-Stick:
1. If your Z-Stick is plugged into a gateway or a computer, unplug it.
2. Take your Z-Stick to your MultiSensor.
3. Press and hold the Action Button on your Z-Stick for 3 seconds and then release.
4. Press the Action Button on your MultiSensor.
5. If your MultiSensor has been successfully removed from your network, the RGB LED will be active with a colourful gradient for 3
seconds. When you press the Action Button on MultiSensor, its green LED will blink. If the removal was unsuccessful, the green
LED will stay solid for a few seconds when you press the Action Button.
6. Press the Action Button on the Z-Stick to take it out of removal mode.
If you're using a Minimote: