AC/DC Current Probes MR417 & MR527
These instructions are intended to ensure the safety of users and proper operation
of the instrument. Failure to observe these safety instructions may result in electric
shock, fire, explosion, and desctruction of the instrument and/or installations.
The operator and/or the responsible authority must carefully read and clearly
understand the various precautions to take before and during use.
Do not use the instrument on networks on which the voltage or category
exceeds instrument specifications.
Never exceed the protection limits stated in the specifications.
Observe the environmental conditions of use, including relative humidity,
altitude, degree of pollution, and place of use.
Do not use the instrument if it appears to be damaged, incomplete, or not
properly closed.
Before each use, check the condition of the insulation on the leads, housing,
and accessories. Any component on which the insulation is deteriorated (even
partially) must be set aside for repair or disposal.
When handling the instrument, keep your fingers behind the physical guards.
Use suitable means of protection.
All troubleshooting and metrological checks must be performed by competent
and accredited personnel.