AC/DC Current Probe Models MR411 & MR521
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Definition of Measurement Categories
For measurements performed on circuits directly connected to
the electrical distribution system. Examples are measurements
on household appliances or portable tools.
For measurements performed in the building installation at the
distribution level such as on hardwired equipment in fixed
installation and circuit breakers.
For measurements performed at the primary electrical supply
(<1000V) such as on primary overcurrent protection devices,
ripple control units, or meters
Receiving Your Shipment
Both models include a 9V battery, warranty card and user manual.
Upon receiving your shipment, be sure that the contents are consistent
with the packing list. Notify your distributor of any missing items. If the
equipment appears to be damaged, file a claim immediately with the
carrier and notify your distributor with a detailed description of any
damage. Save the damaged packing container to substantiate your claim.
The MR probes are designed to meet the latest safety and performance
standards. Two different hook-shaped jaws are offered, both permitting
the user to “pry” into or “hook” onto cables (will accept 2 x 500 MCM) or
even smaller bus bars.
The MR series uses Hall effect technology. The electronics and batteries
are self-contained in the handles. The output of the AC/DC probes is
1mV/A and 10mV/A. An auto zero push button ensures rapid and stable
zeroing. There is no output filtering - True RMS with DC components is
possible. Phase shift is excellent, making the MR series well suited for
power and power quality applications.
Model MR411 is a portable 400A AC (600A peak), 600A DC current
probe. Model MR521 is a portable 1000A AC (1500A peak), 1500A DC
current probe that accurately measures AC or DC current waveforms
using Hall effect technology.
Both models have proportional mV output for direct readings on
multimeters, recorders, loggers and other instruments accepting banana