Calibration with custom solu-
If the cell constant was changed after calibration (through
the “CELL” setup item), this information is not displayed.
If RANGE (or NEXT) is pressed while the last param-
eter is displayed, the meter returns to measurement mode.
If the meter displays only dashes "----", the read-
ing is out of range.
If the stability indicator (hourglass symbol) blinks,
the reading is not stable.
Make sure the meter is calibrated before taking
If measurements are taken successively in dif-
ferent samples, for accurate reading it is recom-
mended to rinse the probe thoroughly with deion-
ized water before immersing it into the next
For AD332: the TDS reading is obtained by mul-
tiplying the EC value by the TDS factor (de-
fault: 0.50). This factor can be selected by the
user (0.40 to 1.00) through the "tdS" setup item
(see “Setup” section for details).
• To exit GLP mode at any time, press SHIFT+GLP.
• If calibration has never been performed, after display-
ing the ID code, the meter will show the "no CAL"
message blinking. Press RANGE (or NEXT) or
SHIFT+GLP to return to measurement mode.
• For AD332, only last EC calibration data are avail-
able. No calibration data can be recalled for TDS. If
SHIFT+GLP are pressed from TDS measurement
mode, the meter will display the ID code only. Press
SHIFT+GLP again to return to measurement mode.
• GLP data are not affected by zero calibrations.