Integrttion of the cooking bliock (glitaa top)
3) Position the vitro kit in the frame, then adjust the 4 screws so that the glass is flush with the worktop.
We recommend that the position of the glass be equal or slightly lower than the worktop, to avoid chip-
ping the glass when sliding a pan on the worktop.
4) Remove the kit from the bracket.
5) Place a bead of silicone adhesive with a high thermal resistance (CAF type 99) on the frame (where the
edges of the glass ceramic will be placed).
6) Reposition the kit centering it in the cutout.
7) Press lightly on the kit to bring it into abutment on the 4 screws.
8) Allow to dry in accordance with the recommendations of the glue manufacturer.
9) Make a seal with food
grade sealant (Novasil type S56) between the worktop and the glass
10) Allow to dry in accordance with seal manufacturer's recommendation.
11) Remove any glue residue / seal remaining on the worktop and the glass before commissioning.