PixLite 4 V1.1 User Manual V1.3
© 2015 Advatek Lighting Pty Ltd
Safety Notes
The board comes shipped in an anti-static bag and has several electrostatic sensitive components on
it. Appropriate anti-static measures should be observed when handling the board. For example, you
should never sit the controller on carpet, and you should avoid touching components on the
controller unnecessarily.
Supplying Power
Power to the controller and outputs is applied via a screw terminal connector, located on the left-
hand edge of the board as shown in Figure 1. Polarity is clearly marked on the PCB.
Voltage to the power input is recommended to be between 5V and 12V DC. The controller will
operate up to 24V DC, however attention should be paid to cooling the controller when operating
above 12V.
It is the user’s responsibility to ensure that the power supply used matches the voltage of the pixel
fixture they are using and that it can supply the correct amount of power/current.
The total
maximum allowable current through the board is 30 Amps.
Figure 1
Logic Fuse
Power Input
Ethernet Jack
DMX512 Output
4x Pixel Outputs