ADAM-4550 User's Manual
2.3 RS-485 Communication Wiring
We recommend using shielded-pair cables
which comply with the EIA RS-485 standard to
reduce interference in an ADAM network. Only
one set of twisted-pair cables is required to
transmit both DATA and RTS signals. We ad-
vise that the following standard colors (as indi-
cated on the modules) be used for the commu-
nication lines:
(Y) Yellow
(G) Green
DATA+ must be connected to V+ and DATA-
must be grounded if RS-485 is not used.
Note: When RS-485 connection is not in use, it
is highly recommended to connect DATA+ to
V+ and DATA- to ground instead of leaving them
2.4 Software Configuration
The ADAM-4550 comes with a setup disk that
contains software for the following:
Baud rate configuration
Address configuration
Statistical RF error rate retrieval
Firmware upload tool for firmware upgrades
Note :
1. To configure the ADAM-4550, first short the
INIT pin (pin 6) to ground, then power on to set
the device in configuration mode. The yellow
LED should blink at approximately 1-second
intervals to indicate the device is in the config-
uration mode.
2. ADAM-4550 will automatically set itself as a
DCE during configuration mode.