If no additional audio sections are required for audio message 1, the following audio message would be placed
immediately below the first (1) audio message “Audio Section 1” in the same manner as it was previously done.
Again, if the audio message requires a leading tone/message (“Audio Section 1”), a main tone/message (“Audio
Section 2”) and a trailing tone/message (“Audio Section 3”). Each message section is added in sequence order;
Audio Section 1, Audio Section 2 then Audio Section 3 (see example below).
In addition, at this time you would add the number of “Repeats” (
[infinity] to 99) the Audio Section audio message
is going to play.
The following is an example of a slow whoop played three times, followed by a alert message indicating if a tone
(temporal chime) proceeds this message evacuate the building.
In addition, an audio section message can be programmed to play for ever (
), for example you could have a audio
section message play twice, followed by a tone which continues to play until silenced or reset.