1 Introduction / Overview
1.1 Product
This manual covers the installation and operation of an Advanced AV-RMIC all-call remote microphone, for use with
Advanced hardwired Axis
audio products; AV-VBM, AV-VB, AX-CTL-(x)V and command centers. The AV-RMIC
provides a means of all-call paging via a single Axis
AV-AMP-80 audio amplifier from a remote location.
Whenever the AV-RMIC all-call remote microphone is keyed, the interfaced AV-AMP-80 amplifier is placed into
boost mode for remote microphone audio broadcasting. For immediate local visual status, an integral “Power” and
“Trouble” LED are located on the front of the AV-RMIC enclosure.
The AV-RMIC consists of:
AV-MIC-REM: Lockable enclosure (with removable inner and outer doors) and microphone.
AV-RM-PCB: Remote microphone module which interfaces to AV-RMI and AV-AMP-80 amplifier (see figure
2). The AV-RM-PCB supervises the AV-RMIC microphone for open circuit, short circuit and
disconnection conditions. The audio output of the AV-RM-PCB is supervised for open and short
circuit conditions and is isolated via an onboard audio transformer.
Remote microphone interface module which interfaces to the AV-RM-PCB. It mounts in a single
AV-VBM, AV-VB, AX-CTL-(x)V or command center enclosure and connects to a single AV-
AMP-80 amplifier (see figure 6 and 7).
Note: The AV-RMIC is designed to be utilized with an Advanced’ hardwired (non PBUS [RS485]) single
amplifier audio system.
Figure 1 – AV-RMIC Remote Microphone Enclosure (includes AV-MIC-REM, AV-RM-PCB and AV-RMI)