Freedom of Distance
The SIGMA 7 is the top-performing intermediate which makes XC pi-
lots’ hearts beat faster. The distance easily fl ies by with this cross
country glider, because never before could so much performance be
so impressively mastered. This gives you not only the freedom of a
greater radius of action, but also allows you the time to enjoy it – a lot.
Outstanding features of the SIGMA 7
High canopy stability
A well-defi ned max-lift point on the wing profi le and optimal internal
pressure characterise the SIGMA 7. These make the glider distinctly
more stable and also mean that it can be fl own faster in turbulent air.
This puts it wholeheartedly within the trend for faster transiting, that is
becoming ever more popular with recreational cross country pilots.
The best speed bar position with SPI
The very stable profi le, set up for the best speed, responds precisely
to speed bar inputs. Accelerator movement is exactly tuned for all le-
vels to make sure that the profi le shape is completely retained at all
times. In combination with the Speed-Performance-Indicator (SPI)
this allows you to achieve a markedly higher average speed en route.
Precise and direct handling
The SIGMA 7 has direct and pleasant handling with low brake loads.
This provides precise turn entry, makes progressive radius adjust-
ment possible at all bank angles, and gives you effortless fl ying. The
balance of profi le and twist give the required thermal bite.
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