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ADTRAN may sell raw material to be used in the fabrication of ADTRAN assemblies. When this is required,
the CM will provide a purchase order with an agreed quantity and price. The purchase order will be entered
as an ADTRAN sales order and processed for shipment.
1.7.1 RMS Material Date Code Requirements
RMS material is NOT subject to date code requirements specified in Q100. Batteries, epoxies and other
perishable items are subject to manufacturer shelf life guidelines. The use of Aluminum Electrolytic
capacitors and Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) will follow the below mentioned criteria.
Al Electrolytic capacitors (class code: 3136, 3137)
18 months [without Current Leakage and
Equivalent Series Resistance (ESR) testing]
Hot Air Solder Leveling (
date code + 24 mo. (without solderabilty testing)
Electroless Nickel Immersion Gold (
date code + 18 mo. (without solderabilty
Immersion Silver (ImAg)
date code + 12 mo. (without solderability testing)
NOTE: Material outside these limits does not mean its scrap but its use shall be strictly approved by
ADTRAN Engineering via Q100 deviation/waiver process and may require additional testing.
1.7.2 Non Conforming RMS Material
All material used on ADTRAN product shall be listed in the ADTRAN Approved Vendors List (AVL) and defect
free. RMS material determined to be wrong/discrepant/damaged upon initial receipt, the CM will document
the finding and report the discrepancy to ADTRAN Outsource and Supplier Quality (SQ) Engineering. The
report shall include the following information at a minimum
Quantity received and Quantity defective
Sales Order and Purchase Order
Digital images of PN label and any other images helpful to problem description and root cause.
The CM will also be responsible for
File a discrepancy report in BaaN session, “Maintain RMS Discrepancy”, adsfco147m000.
If replacement material is NOT required, the purchase order will be credited at the same unit cost the supplier
was invoiced.
1.7.3 Obsolete RMS Material
Obsolete components due to Engineering Change Orders (ECOs), changes in production schedules or AVL
changes may or may not be returned to ADTRAN.
If the components can be consumed on other ADTRAN products, then ADTRAN will issue a purchase
order to the supplier for the component at the cost paid by the supplier.
If the components cannot be used, the supplier will be authorized to scrap the material and a
purchase order will be issued by ADTRAN to cover the cost of the component.
First Article Requirements