1. Frames
General informations
BC4 console frames are available in many
different versions. Almost any frame size
with an even number of module slots is
possible. The maximum, overall width of
a single frame is 3100 mm. Such a frame
has 76 module slots and can be used for
a configuration of 64/8/2 or 60/8/4. Lar-
ger consoles can use up to three combines
frames that are mounted on a common,
special floorstand. All frames are basical-
ly desktop versions that can be used with
the floorstand as well.
Side view
The side view shows are all dimensions of
the frame. The height above floor is deter-
mined by the height of the floorstand and
can be adapted to special needs.
Frame Width
The width of the frames depends of the
number of modules of a particular conso-
le. The width of a single slot is 40mm. All
input and group modules are arranged in
a grid of 4 modules. Any number of in-
put modules and groups that can divided
by 4 is possible. The width of the master
section is 8 slots. This master block con-
tains up to three program master modu-
les and 2 blind panels for the installation
of custom switches and accessories. If the
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