Status Detail
To see more info about the Personal Server, such as HD used (%), Up-time, samba users, and
FTP users, please click the “Click here for more information…”
IP Address: The current IP address of the Personal Server.
HD used (%): the usage percentage of HD (Total amount of HD)
Up-time: the estimate time that you power the Personal Server on
Version: The current firmware version of the Personal Server.
Samba Users: the number of members who is currently using the Personal Server
FTP Users: the number of members who is currently using the Personal Server by
FTP client
Check if the Unicode been loaded in the Personal Server
1. The Personal Server provides the Maximum 5 online users of Samba and 5 online FTP
2. Please note that if the Unicode been loaded successfully or there may be some language
errors on file name or folder name when accessing to the Personal Server. For instructions
of Unicode installation, please refer to “Character Set” under “Administration” category.