Photoshop CS2
Adobe Photoshop CS2 Scripting Guide
Scripting basics 23
The lines preceded by “--” are comments. Entering the comments is optional.
-- Sample script to create a new text item and
-- change its contents.
--target Photoshop CS2
tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS2"
-- Create a new document and art layer.
set docRef to make new document with properties ¬
{width:3 as inches, height:2 as inches}
set artLayerRef to make new art layer in docRef
-- Change the art layer to be a text layer.
set kind of artLayerRef to text layer
-- Get a reference to the text object and set its contents.
set contents of text object of artLayerRef to "Hello, World"
end tell
2. Click
to run the script. Photoshop CS2 creates a new document, adds a new layer, changes the
layer’s type to text and sets the text to “Hello, World”
If you encounter errors, see
‘AppleScript Debugging’ on page 32
Creating and Running a VBScript
Follow these steps to create and run a VBScript that displays the text
Hello World!
in a Photoshop CS2
To create and run your first Photoshop CS2 VBScript:
1. Type the following script into a script or text editor.
Entering comments is optional.
Dim appRef
Set appRef = CreateObject( "Photoshop.Application" )
' Remember current unit settings and then set units to
' the value expected by this script
Dim originalRulerUnits
originalRulerUnits = appRef.Preferences.RulerUnits
appRef.Preferences.RulerUnits = 2
' Create a new 4x4 inch document and assign it to a variable.
Dim docRef
Dim artLayerRef
Dim textItemRef
Set docRef = appRef.Documents.Add(4, 4)
' Create a new art layer containing text
Set artLayerRef = docRef.ArtLayers.Add
artLayerRef.Kind = 2
' Set the contents of the text layer.
Set textItemRef = artLayerRef.TextItem
textItemRef.Contents = "Hello, World!"
' Restore unit setting
appRef.Preferences.RulerUnits = originalRulerUnits
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