C/C++ Libraries
Then you can click Next to begin installing
PCI-7432/33/34 DLL
for Windows 95
After you complete the installation of PCI-7432/33/34 Software,
PCI-7432/33/34’s DLL (7432.DLL, 7433.DLL, or 7434.DLL) is
copied to Windows System directory (default is
C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM), and the driver files (PCIW95.VXD,
W95_7432.VXD or W95_7433.VXD) are also copied to the
appropriate directory.
There are two kinds of import library files in <InstallDir>\LIB
directory. 7432.lib, 7433.lib, 7434.lib are Visual C/C++ import
library files. 7432_bc.lib, 7433_bc.lib, 7434_bc.lib are Borland
C++ 5.0 import library files.