Blood FlowMeter
Owner’s Guide
A faulty optic fi ber in the probe.
If the probe cable has been subject to undue mechanical stress then
the internal optic fi ber could be damaged. Although this is unlikely,
the probe should not be used in this case. A replacement will need to
be purchased.
A faulty laser diode.
is is very unlikely, but if everything else has been checked and there
is still no laser output, then you should contact you ADInstruments
representative for service.
ere is no signal output from the Blood FlowMeter
No power to the Blood FlowMeter.
Check that the Power indicator on the Blood FlowMeter is on.
e probe is not plugged in correctly.
Check the probe is connected correctly.
A loose or missing output connection to your recording equipment.
Make sure that the appropriate output signals from the Blood
FlowMeter are connected properly to your recording equipment.