Electronic Devices S.r.l.
User Manual
EtherCAT Slave / BACnet Master
Document code: MN67E05_ENG Revision 1.000 Page 24 of 32
Figure 5b: “Set BACnet Access
BACnet Write” window
The means of the fields in the window “BACnet in Write” are the following:
In the field “
IP Address / ID
” the IP address / ID of the slave that contains the data to be written is defined;
In the field “
Object Type
” the object to be written is defined;
In the field “
Data Type
” the type of data to write is defined;
In the field “
” the instance number of the object is defined;
In the field “
” the property to be read is defined;
In the field “
” the priority of the BACnet request is defined;
In the field “
” the number of bytes of the BACnet object is defined;
By checking the field “
En Dest
” it is possible to enable the Destination Network (D Net), Destination Length (D Len) and Destination
Address (D Adr). These informations are used for make a request to other segments of network (through a BACnet router);
In the field “
D Net
” the destination network (from 1 to 65535) is defined;
In the field “
D Len
” the length of “D Add” field (1 or 2 or 6) is defined;
In the field “
D Adr
” the address of the endpoint is defined. If “D Len” is ‘1’ it is possible to insert a number from 1 to 255; if “D Len”
is ‘2’ it is possible to insert a number from 1 to 65535; if “D Len” is ‘6’ it is possible to insert an IP and port in this format
By checking the field “
” the BACnet write request is made only if data from LoRaWAN is changed; otherwise (if is selected the
field “
”) it is sent cyclically, using the “
Poll Time
” defined;