Electronic Devices Srl – IT31010 – Mareno – Treviso INFO:
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User Manual
IEC61850 Client / Modbus TCP Slave
Document code: MN67766_ENG Revision 1.000 Page 24 of 32
Figure 7: “DataSet” section
If they are available in the functional structure, it is also possible to add Datasets (DS) to “DataSet” section (Fig. 7).
In the upper part, there are all the inserted Datasets. The meanings of the fields are:
In the field “
” the index of the server to which the IEC61850 Dataset belongs is defined;
In the field “
” the path of the IEC61850 Dataset is defined;
In the field “
Goose Name
” the Goose Name of the IEC61850 Dataset is defined (if “En. Goose” is checked);
If the field “
En. Goose
” is checked, the Dataset is received as a Goose message;
In the field “
IP Address
” the IP Address of the server to which the Dataset belongs is defined (if “En. Goose” is unchecked);
In the field “
” the Port of the server to which the Dataset belongs is defined (if “En. Goose” is unchecked);
In the field “
Time (ms)
” the delay in ms between two readings of the Dataset is defined (if “En. Goose” is unchecked);
In the field “
a description of the Dataset is defined.