Electronic Devices S.r.l.
User Manual
M-Bus / M-Bus Wireless / BACnet Slave
Document code: MN67086_ENG Revision 1.100 Page 34 of 43
per second
per minute
per hour
per day
per week
per month
per year
per revolution/measurement
increment per input pulse on input channel
increment per output pulse on output channel
per liter
per m^3
per kg
per K (Kelvin)
per kWh
per GJ
per kW
per (K*l)(Kelvin*liter)
per V (Volt)
per A (Ampere)
multiplied by sek
multiplied by sek/V
multiplied by sek/A
start date(/time) of
VIF contains uncorrected unit instead of corrected unit
Accumulation only if positive contributions
Accumulation of abs value only if negative contributions
upper/lower limit value
# of exceeds of lower/upper limit
Date(/time) of begin/end of first/last lower/upper limit exceed
Duration of limit exceed
Duration of first/last
Date(/time) of first/last begin/end
Multiplicative correction factor
Additive correction constant * unit of VIF (offset)
Moltiplicative correction factor: 10^3
future value
next VIFE’s and data of this block are manufacturer specific
Too many DIFE’s
Storage number not implemented
Unit number not implemented
Tariff number not implemented
Function not implemented
Data class not implemented
Data size not implemented
Too many VIFE’s
Illegal VIF-Group
Illegal VIF-Exponent
VIF/DIF mismatch
Unimplemented action
No data available (undefined value)
Data overflow
Data underflow
Data error
Premature end of record