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Issue B

Oct 1999

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• Swipe the MAX with Program Master Card — LEDs 6 and 1

switch on indicating Door Unlock Time Mode.


If the Door Open Time is programmed to zero (0)

seconds, then the alarm does not activate when the door

is forced open or remains open.


Door Unlock Time: This is the period, following the user card

swipe, that the door strike is activated (unlocked) allowing ac-

cess to be gained without creating an alarm (default three sec-

To program the time, swipe the MAX with any valid user card;

each swipe increases the Door Unlock Time by one second. For

example, 20 swipes sets a Door Unlock Time of 20 seconds.

The Door Unlock Time can be programmed within the range 1

– 255 seconds: the default is set to 2 seconds.


Exit Programming Mode: Swipe the MAX with the Program

Master Card  — LED 6 switches off and LED 2 switches on

(normal operating mode).


While in the Programming Mode, if 60 seconds elapse

without a valid card being presented, then the programming

is aborted and the MAX returns to the normal operating

mode. All programming prior to the abort is retained in the

MAX memory.

Block Deleting All Cards

All of the cards (including the Program Master) can be removed

from the MAX memory in a single operation:.


Swipe the MAX with Void Master Card — LEDs 2 and 4 switch



Swipe the MAX with the Program Master Card — LEDs 2, 4

and 6 switch on.


Swipe the MAX with the Program Master Card — LED 5 flashes

and the buzzer sounds briefly; LEDs 2 to 5 switch on indicating

that the MAX is in Sleep Mode and waiting for a new Program

Master Card to be assigned.


All of the cards are now voided from the MAX memory.

The first card presented to the MAX is initialised as the

Program Master Card.


Swipe the MAX with any card LEDs 3–6 switch off; LED 2

remains on — indicating normal operating mode. This card is

now the Program Master Card.

Block Deleting All User Cards

All of the user card can be removed from the MAX memory in a

single operation:.


Swipe the MAX with Void Master Card — LEDs 2 and 4 switch



Swipe the MAX with the Program Master Card — LEDs 2, 4

and 6 switch on.


Swipe the MAX with any valid user card — LED 5 flashes and

the buzzer sounds briefly; LEDs 2 switches on indicating that

normal operating mode is restored.


All of the user cards are now voided from the MAX



Programming Mode cannot be accessed when Program Master

Card is presented:

• Card presented is not the Program Master; a new Program Mas-

ter may have been assigned.

• The MAX is nightlocked; present a Nightlock Master Card to

restore normal operating mode.

Blank card can not be assigned to the system:

• The MAX is not in Programming or Add Card Mode
• The MAX memory is full; 475 cards have been assigned. Use

the Void Master Card or the hand held programmer to remove

cards that are no longer required.

New Programming Card cannot be assigned in Programming


• Card has already been assigned to the system as a master; only

blank cards or standard user cards can be assigned as nightlock

access users.

Card cannot be assigned as an Add, Void or Nightlock Master or

as a standard user card:

• Card has already been assigned to the system; only blank cards

can be assigned.

• No valid user cards have been presented to the MAX for 60

seconds; the MAX has timed-out and normal operating mode

has been restored.

Card cannot be voided (removed):

• The card has been assigned as a master card; master cards can

only be removed by completely erasing the MAX program


• The card is a blank card; only standard user or nightlock access

user cards can be removed.

Card cannot be assigned as a nightlock access user card:

• Card has already been assigned to the system as a master; only

blank cards or standard user cards can be assigned as nightlock

access users.

The user card cannot gain access to the system:

• The card is not a valid user card.
• The system is nightlocked; standard user cards cannot gain ac-


LED 1 (green) flashes and buzzer is active on power up:

• The contact terminator is not connected to 0 V through the door

contact; the MAX is in an alarm condition.

The alarm is not activated when the door is forced open or is left

open indefinitely following access:

• The Door Open Time is programmed as zero seconds. Repro-

gram the time to at least one second (two swipes of a valid user


Technical Specifications


Dimensions: 91 (h) × 78 (w) × 36 (d) mm
Material: 3 mm polycarbonate
Recommended Operating Temperature: –10 to +55°C


Power: Nominal 12 Vd.c. (± 2 V)
Current Consumption:


70 mA

Full Load:

115 mA



Horn O/P:

Open Collector


Normally Open switch


Normally Closed door contact
