Function description: Digital inputs/outputs
MSX-E1516 17
Data format
Table 3-3: Data format: Digital I/O
Source event mask
I/O status bitmap
4 bytes
4 bytes
4 bytes
4 bytes
Time stamp
(in s) low
(if data
format has
time stamp)
Time stamp
s) high
(if data
format has
time stamp)
Mask of the event source:
- Bit 0-15: Status change of the channel
has generated the event
- Bit 16-28 = 0
- Bit 29: Event logic bit is set when the
status of the channel changes
- Bit 30: Synchro trigger has generated
the event
- Bit 31: Hardware trigger has
generated the event
The event may be generated by several
sources at the same time.
Status of the channels
after latching