Returning or disposing
Returning or disposing
In the event that you must return your board, you should read the following checklist beforehand.
Checklist for returning the board
Specify the reason for returning your board (e.g. exchange, modification, repair), the serial number
of the board, the contact person in your company including his/her telephone extension and e-mail
address, as well as the mailing address for a potential new delivery.
Please make a note of the serial number which is indicated on the board.
Fig. 6-1: Serial number
You do not have to indicate the RMA number.
Please use an ESD protective cover for packing the board. Then put it in a cardboard box so that it
is protected as best as possible for shipping. Send the board in its package together with your
details to:
Airpark Business Center
Airport Boulevard B210
77836 Rheinmünster
For any further questions, you can contact us directly at:
Phone: +49 7229 1847-0
E-mail: 23