Adash 4900 – Vibrio III
Spectrum 200 Hz–looseness detection
FFT analysis of vibrations in the range:
2 Hz - 200 Hz in mm/s RMS,
with display of 3 found maximum peaks.
The peaks are ranked according to amplitude vibration size.
Time signal for roller bearing diagnosis
Measuring of time signal and vibrations in the range:
5 kHz - 16 kHz in g.
Displays actual measured time signal and g
Vibrations in frequency ranges – gearbox/bearing
Measurement of RMS vibration values in the ranges:
0.5 kHz - 16 kHz in g,
1.5 kHz - 16 kHz in g,
5 kHz - 16 kHz in g.
Fasit expert system
The FASIT screen. It displays the severity levels of machine faults.