Version 1.0.1 - March 2022
March 2022
Page 4 of 10
Harrier Evaluation Board Overview
Figure 7. Harrier Evaluation Board diagram
The Harrier Evaluation Board connects to the 10-way wire cable from the FFC breakout board; the
breakout board connects to the camera using the 9-way FFC cable. The evaluation board is
powered by the 12V power supply via a barrel connector (J306). This supply also powers the
camera via the Power Switch (SW302). When the Power Switch (and camera power supply) is
switched ON the PWR ON LED will illuminate and the camera will be powered.
When the Harrier Evaluation Board is connected to a PC using the mini-USB cable, the Windows 10
operating system will see three virtual COM ports; these ports are automatically assigned
(incrementing) numbers by Windows. To identify the COM port numbers which Windows 10 has
assigned to the board, open Device Manager and look at the COM & LPT ports. The three port
numbers can be identified by comparing reported port numbers with the board connected and the
board disconnected.
The lowest port number added is the RS-232 interface.
The second added port number is the RS-485 interface.
The highest port number added is the TTL interface.
The Harrier AF-Zoom SDI cameras only use the TTL interface.
For more information please see the
Harrier Evaluation Board datasheet
on the
(see Accessories & Cables ->
Evaluation Kit for Harrier 3G-SDI