Rev 2.0, 23-Jul-2018
Innovative Power
is a trademark of Active-Semi.
GUI Installation
1. Get GUI files from the Active Semi website
2. Plug the USB-TO-I2C dongle into a free USB port.
3. Follow the instructions in the “How to install driver for dongle” folder.
4. Double click on the ACT2861 GUI.exe to start the ACT2861 GUI.
GUI Overview
The GUI has 2 basic function buttons allocated in top-left of the Tool Bar which are Read and Write I
C. The
GUI contains 2 setting modes: Basic Mode and Advanced Mode. In Basic Mode screen it displays basic user
programmable configuration options are programmed using the drop-down boxes or check boxes. Advanced
Mode contain the button text for changing setting for every single bit.
Basic Mode
The following figure show the GUI in basic mode. This mode allows the user to easily change one or more IC