c) In LOG_PHY.TXT, the word "Gaps!!!" indicates that gaps between consecutive bytes within
this frame have been detected. These gaps are displayed with a special 3-digit code underneath
the hex representation of such a byte and the ASCII representation is not shown for this byte.
This 3-digit code shows the duration of the gap in number of microseconds in a fashion similar
to the way values of resisters and capacitors are shown. The third digit means how many extra
zeros need to be added after the first two digits. Thus:
500 means 50 usec
351 means 350 usec
402 means 4000 usec
123 means 12000 usec
d) Last but not least, the frame_# is an arbitrary sequential number assigned to each frame. All
three text files share the same sequence so that you can use it to cross reference them.
(IV) Example Using Device Embedded with IrDA Protocol IC, ACT-IR8200L:
a) The first IR traffic record:
1. Run COM_12.exe (COM_1.exe or COM_2.exe).
2. Turn on the Device A and IR8200L.
3. Active IR service program under Device A.
4. You can see “…….” Or “……**********” on the DOS screen.
5. Stop listening program, the program will generate a BIN file (LOG_RAW.BIN).
6. Rename LOG_RAW.BIN to REC1.BIN
b) The second IR traffic record:
HP Jornada
(Device A)
To PC Com port
Run COM_12.exe
< IR link >