The Infrared Wireless Expert
Design Specification
1. Features
A complete IrDA Protocol stack in a single chip.
No any driver program is needed.
Includes IrPHY encoding/decoding and interfaces directly to Infrared transceivers for data rate
up to 115.2kbit/s. Only an external Infrared transceiver is needed to complete an IrDA compliant
infrared communication subsystem.
Supports mandatory IrDA layer: IrPHY, IrLAP, IrLMP and IAS.
Supports upper layers TinyTP, IrCOMM, IrLPT, and OBEX transport.
Supports host baud rate from 1.2kbit/s to 115.2kbit/s, which is changed by PC utility or 8 pins on
chip. IrDA baud rate from 9.6kbit/s to 115.2kbit/s, which is flexible, setting by IrDA devices.
IR frame and Host buffer are 2048 bytes separately.
Low supply voltage, 3.0 V to 3.6 V.
Current consumption: 20mA standby, 30mA active.
Small low profile plastic 52-pin QFP package.
Available in programmed and tested chips, assembled & tested boards, or fully packaged
A ready IrDA-compatible evaluation board ACT-IR100SD is available. IR100SD is strongly
recommended to test before purchase IR8200D chip.
A very useful Evaluation Kit Full Set is ACT-IR100SDK, which is: I IR4000US
(notebook/desktop USB-IrDA adapter). This is to test IR100D (connected to your device),
to exchange IrDA data with IR4000US (connected to PC USB port), running hyper-terminal
on top of Windows IrDA driver. To avoid debugging multiple issues: e.g. PDA application
IrDA SW activated and behaves properly, with the matching protocol layer? IR100SD to host
interface issues (UART data rates, flow control, data bit/parity/stop bit, UART signal pins,
power levels)? Or performance issues (throughput, distance, error rate/dropping bits)?
© Copyright 2004 ACTiSYS Corp. Page 3 of 20
Nov. 10, 2004
Rev. 0.2