tec USB Wireless Bluetooth Adapter
device attempts to access a service that requires a secure connection,
click Select audio file... and select the sound (*.wav) file to be played.
• Limit access to this computer to specific remote devices
From the Bluetooth Configuration Panel, Accessibility tab, in the Allow
shortcut menu, select “Only devices listed below”.
• Add a device to the list
• Click Add Device
• In the Devices with access... dialog box select the desired device(s)
and click OK.
Multiple devices may be selected using SHIFT + click
and/or CTRL + click.
• Delete a device from the list
In the list of devices allowed to access this computer, select the device
to be removed from the list, and then click Delete.
5.9 Discovery Settings
The settings on the Discovery tab of the Bluetooth Configuration Panel deter-
mine whether this computer looks for other Bluetooth devices automatically,
how often it looks and what type of devices it looks for.
• Periodic Search for Devices
When “Look for other Bluetooth devices” is selected, Bluetooth
automatically searches for devices every X minutes. X is an whole
number between 1 and 60. To change the time between auto inquiries,
highlight the existing time and enter the new time.
: When My Bluetooth Places is first opened it performs
an initial automatic search for devices even if “Look for other
Bluetooth devices” is not enabled.
• Determine the devices that will be reported
Bluetooth can screen out devices that you do not need access to.
The options are:
Report all Bluetooth devices
Report only selected Bluetooth devices (see Discovery, Adding
Specific Devices and Discovery, Deleting Specific Devices)
Select the desired option from the drop-down list.