No sound, no Green or Red LED(s) flashing
The CFSound-IV doesn’t have correct power. Verify the power supplied to the MAIN connector for the
correct polarity and level using a voltmeter if available. If this is correct, verify that none of the wiring to the
unit is shorted causing the internal resettable fuse to be tripped. Try removing power, waiting for 15 seconds
and reapplying power to allow the internal fuse to reset.
No sound, Red LED flashing
The Red LED is flashing a pattern of one or more numbers to help identify the problem. Please see the
Diagnostic LED Codes
Frequently Asked Questions
sections below. Also refer to the videos on the
page of the
Low sound volume
Sound volume may be adjusted using the up / down pushbuttons on the front of the unit. Push and hold
the up button to increase. If this doesn’t adjust the volume, verify your speaker wiring and impedance.