Vertu Series VPM3000 Process Meters & Temperature Transmitters
Instruction Manual
All connections are made to removable screw
terminal connectors located at the rear of the meter.
Use copper wire with 60°C or 60/75°C insulation
for all line voltage connections. Observe all safety
regulations. Electrical wiring should be performed
in accordance with all applicable national, state,
and local codes to prevent damage to the meter
and ensure personnel safety.
Connector Labeling
The connectors label, affixed to the meter, shows the
location of all connectors available with requested
configuration. It also identifies the location of the
RTD/TC selector switch. The images below show all
connector configurations for the VPM3000. Note that
the connector in the upper left of the diagram has
different configurations based on the model.
# on the following figures refers to power options.
guide on page
Figure 5. Connector Labeling for VPM3#00
Figure 6. Connector Labeling for VPM3101
Figure 7. Connector Labeling for VPM3#30
Figure 8. Connector Labeling for VPM3131
Figure 9. Connector Labeling for VPM3#10
Figure 10. Connector Labeling for VPM3111