Acromag, Inc. Tel:248-295-0310 Fax:248-624-9234 Email:[email protected]
Refer to the documentation provided with the IOS-EP2-EDK for further
instructions on JTAG configuration.
The configuration FLASH can be programmed using the JTAG interface.
The JTAG interface can either program the FPGA directly or program the
FLASH configuration memory. When programming the FLASH, the Altera
FPGA acts as a logic bridge between the JTAG interface and the
configuration device. Once the FLASH is programmed, the Altera FPGA will
load that program at power-up.
The following is the general procedure for programming the FLASH
using the JTAG interface.
1. Connect the 10-pin Altera JTAG cable (not provided) to the board.
2. Set the programming jumper to the FLASH position.
3. Power-up the carrier board.
4. Download the Configuration file to the FPGA using Altera Quartus II
software. An indirect FLASH configuration requires a jic file.
5. After download, the board must be reset to load the proper
configuration. Either power down the board or write 01H to the
configuration control register at address 00H.
6. Upon successful configuration the board will be in User mode with
the Altera FPGA in control of the IOS bus interface.
Refer to the documentation provided with the IOS-EP2-EDK for further
instructions on JTAG configuration.
Each IOS module contains identification (ID) information that resides in
the ID space per the IOS module specification. This area of memory
contains at most 32 bytes of information. Both fixed and variable
information may be present within the ID space. Fixed information includes
the "IOS" identifier, model number, and manufacturer's identification codes.
Variable information includes unique information required for the module.
The IOS-EP2 Series ID space does not contain any variable (e.g. unique
calibration) information. ID space bytes are addressed using only the even
addresses are used on the “Little Endian” PCI bus.
The IOS-EP2 Series ID space will read differently in configuration mode
than it does in user mode. In configuration mode the IOS model code at
base a 0AH will read a 48H, while in user mode the same byte will
read 49H. In addition, the CRC byte at base a 16H will read a BAH
in configuration mode and read a DBH in user mode. All other ID space
bytes will read the same in both configuration mode and user mode.
In user mode, the ID space must be defined in the internal logic of the
FPGA. In order for Acromag software to properly identify the model, this ID
space must remain as defined in Table 3.2. Note that the base-address for
the IOS module ID space (see your carrier board instructions) must be
added to the addresses shown to properly access the ID information.
Execution of an ID Space Read operation requires 1 wait state.
IOS-EP2 FLASH Configuration
(Read Only)