TRH Data Loggers
Copyright © 2010 ACR Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved.
To find out more about sample rates and to view a set of sample rate tables, see
The Mode is the way the logger stores the data. The Average method stores an averaged
reading of the data read every 8 seconds over the sample interval you have chosen if the
sampling mode is set to Average (this does not apply to a sampling interval of 8 seconds). The
Spot method still takes readings every 8 seconds but only stores the reading taken at the
selected interval.
Logger Memory
The Memory subsection indicates how the data is stored in memory and what the start and
end times (or capacity) are for the data logging. In the FIFO (First In, First Out) mode, the
logger continually stores data and when the memory limit is reached, the new readings start to
overwrite the oldest readings. In this method, the logger is always collecting data, but only
saves the most recent data in its memory. In the Stop When Full mode, when the memory
limit is reached, the logger stops recording.
The length of time for data capture of the logger is determined by the number of active
channels and the sampling rate. To find out more about how the capacity is affected by the
sample rate and active channels, see
To set how the logger stores its data, click on the Usage field and select FIFO or Stop When