B1.1 Before the installation
Before the installation of BravoFIL please verify that the water supplied fulfils the
requirements of European drinking water directives
Check for the compliance of the
hydraulic distribution system and the installation of the filter to local regulations. The manufacturer disclaims
all responsibility for damage to persons or things caused by improper installation of the filter and/or the
installation of the filter in a waterworks not compliant with local regulations.
BravoFIL is not equipped, by standard, with any flooding-control system or other devices able to detect,
control or alarm in case of runaway water losses. In case, consider, apart, an adequate anti flooding device.
Do not install BravoFIL downstream of boilers or in devices involving the transit, inside the filter, of water at
higher than 40°C temperature. Install BravoFIL upstream of devices to protect. BravoFIL cannot be used to
treat closed loop water (ex. heating systems water) or any other applications not cited in this manual.
B1.2 Requirements for the place of installation
BravoFIL must be installed indoor, in an hygienically suitable place, dry and clean, protected from frost,
exposure to sunlight, moisture, atmospheric agent (rain, snow and hail).
Do not install BravoFIL in wells
near drains, or in smelly places. Do not install where any kind of chemical vapours or gas and fumes may be
present. Avoid installation in tight spaces which cannot allow easy ordinary and extraordinary maintenance.
In succession the limit values of the allowed environmental parameters for the BravoFIL installation:
Ambient temperature (min./max.), °C:
5 – 40
B1.3 Laws, Regulations and Standards
The installation of BravoFIL must be performed in compliance with local laws, regulations and standards
B1.4 Instruction for installation
The installation must be performed in accordance with best practice, in line with all the current legislation and
the rating data.
Before installing the filter make sure that the plant fits with the laws or regulations or local recommendations
produced by the office in charge. Before installing the filter, clean pipes and appliances installed upstream of
the filter in order to eliminate foreign bodies which can cause the malfunction of the filter itself. If the level of
cleanliness in the plant is not adequate you should sanitize the plant and the possible storage tanks before
the installation of BravoFIL. The filter should not be installed between the boiler and safety devices.
The hydraulic distribution system implemented to install devices connected to the water distribution system
must be provided with a system able to ensure the non return of the treated water in the distribution system,
and with a manual or automatic by-pass valve system in order to allow the withdrawal of non treated water
interrupting the flow of treated water.
Avoid solvents, oils, acidic or caustic substances and detergents to come in contact with
the external plastic and brass part of the device. In case of very strong impact during the transport
or the assembly do not install the device and replace it even in case of non evident damages to the plastic
parts. Limit the presence of waterhammer.
B1.5 Hydraulic checks after installation
After opening the water upstream of the equipment check for leaks;
1) Verify that the equipment is correctly positioned in order to ease ordinary maintenance.
2) Check for the presence of a by-pass circuit allowing to exclude the filter from serving and check for
the presence of sampling faucets installed upstream and downstream the filter.
3) Check for the compliances of the installation with all local rules or recommendations issued by the
competent local area offices.
4) Verify that there are no leaks from the entrance and exit connections and from the filter
drain connection.
In case of doubt please contact Acqua Brevetti s.r.l. (Tel. +39.(0)49.8973432, e-mail: