Step 5: Verify Operation of the SA217P Card
Required Hardware
An external signal source is required. Almost any sine wave or function generator capable of
generating a signal with an amplitude of 300 mV rms into 50 Ω at a frequency of 1 MHz may
be used.
Signal Generator
e.g. Keysight N5181B
SMA cable
50 Ω Coaxial cable with SMA(m)
Operational Verification Procedure
Do not exceed the maximum voltage level at the input connector (± 3 V DC)
1. Configure the signal generator to produce a sinusoidal signal with a frequency of
1 MHz, and an amplitude of 300 mV rms (+2.55 dBm).
2. Connect the signal generator output to the IN 1 connector, and turn on the output.
3. Launch the
utility from:
Windows Start Menu > Acqiris > MD3 > AqMD3Verify
A command shell window will open.
Select the instrument PXI address, then
Press any key
to start the test.
4. Check that all the test results are OK.
Acqiris SA217P Startup Guide