OmniVR® Equipment User Manual
MNL-0007 (1.3)
© Copyright 2015-2022. Accelerated Care Plus Corporation — All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.
Navigating the OmniVR® III Software – Advisory Menu
Function – Section GG continued
Pause exercise
To pause the exercise, either left-click
on the air mouse or select the “Pause”
icon on the Exercise toolbar. The
exercise will remain paused. To restart
the exercise, either left-click on the
air mouse or select the “Pause” icon
Exercise summary report
When the exercise is complete, the
patient’s exercise summary report will
appear on the screen.
Repeat exercise:
To repeat the same
exercise with the patient, left-click the
“Repeat Exercise” icon (circular arrow)
located in the toolbar on the right side
of the screen.
Exit exercise:
To exit the exercise,
either right-click on the air mouse or
select the “Exit Exercise” icon (box
with arrow) located in the toolbar on
the right side of the screen. A pop-up
prompt will ask, “Are you sure you
want to end the exercise? Yes or No.”
Left-click to select the answer.