231.5 mm P2S - the white “5” being in line.
Perfect mounting distance for the FR-64s.
This is 295,00 mm P2S - suitable for a FR-66s.
This is 247,35 mm - the P2S for the Talea
This is exactly 231 mm - the black line in center.
Reading the
vernier scale
The UNI-P2S does feature a vernier scale to
allow precise read-out of mounting distance with
an accuracy of 5/100 mm.
This vernier scale is running right to left - as does
the metric scale with increasing distance of P2S.
If you are unfamiliar with a vernier scale, please
get accustomed to it’s operation.
The white numbers 1- 9 over the black back
ground are 1/10 of a mm each. The white lines
between numbers are 0.5/10 mm each - or 5/100
mm each.
Whenever any of the white lines is absolutely
in-line with a black line on the aluminum scale,
then it denominates the 5/100 value which has to
be added to the full mm value given between the 2
white “leaves” centered by the full vertical white
line on the left of the scale just before the half-
circle end.
To illustrate the read-out procedure, here are a
few examples of mounting distances for common
One will accustom quite fast to this way of
reading the scale.
The vernier scale is an international standard in
industrial precision analog measuring.
This is 215,25 mm P2S - for the DaVinci 9” tone
arm. Note that the white line between “2” and “3”
in in-line with the black line above on the alu
minum scale. This means 215 mm PLUS 25/100
mm. Resulting in 215,25 mm P2S. The vernier
scale “adds” the 5/100 mm value to the full mm
read-out on the large metric scale.