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Instruction Manual

MC 1

is a cartridge that delivers open, dynamic sound

with a slight touch of warmth.

MC 2

adds more dynamics and resolution, sounds very

open and reproduces more details. Sound is very neutral.

MC 3

is for audio lovers. The MC 3 delivers all the infor-

mation of your vinyl. Very rich sound, wide soundstage
and ultra resolution in high frequency.

Mounting the cartridge


Please correlate the colour code for the terminals on the
drawing with the colour codings on the cartridge.
The terminals for right and left channel have the same
position as normal for cartridges.


For mounting the cartridge to the headshell you have 2
pairs of screws at your disposal. It is of great importance
to use the right length of screws when mounting the car-
tridge. Using too long screws may stop the screws inside
the cartridge resulting in insufficient mounting in the
headshell and may damage the cartridge.
The choice of screw length is depending on the thick-
ness of the headshell, and a maximum of 2.5 mm free
screw length under the headshell:
- for headshells up to 3.5 mm use 5 mm screws.
- for headshells with the thickness over 3.5 mm use the

7 mm screws.

Mount the cartridge loosely to the headshell at this 

Azimuth, vertical alignment

Azimuth adjustment or vertical alignment of the cartridge
is very important for optimal channel separation.
The checking is easily done by lowering the cartridge
onto a thin mirror placed on the record surface and exa-
mining whether the reflection lines up square with the
cartridge, when viewed from the front.
During this test tonearm must still be parallel to the re-
cord surface. If not obtainable because of mirror thick-
ness, remove record and work directly on the mat.
If alignment is still incorrect and not adjustable because
of fixed headshell, the only solution is to resort to pa-
cking on one side of the head-shell.

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Azimuth, vertical alignment

Azimuth adjustment or vertical alignment of the cart-

ridge is very important for optimal channel separation. 

The checking is easily done by lowering the cartridge 

onto a thin mirror placed on the record surface and ex


amining whether the reflection lines up square with the 

cartridge, when viewed from the front. During this test 

tonearm must still be parallel to the record surface. 

If not obtainable because of mirror thickness, remo-

ve record and work directly on the mat. If alignment 

is still incorrect and not adjustable because of fixed 

headshell, the only solution is to resort to packing on 

one side of the head-shell.


This phono cartridge is only for mounting on tonearms and must not be 

used for other purposes.

Tonearm level, vertical tracking angle

Cartridges are constructed so that cantilever angle corresponds to the 20 

deg. record cutting angle, when the cartridge is loaded with recommen-

ded tracking force and the cartridge base is parallel with the tonearm and 

this again is parallel to the record surface.

Phono Amp Setting

100 Ohm

100 Ohm

100 Ohm

100 Ohm
