Timpdon Electronics
0161 - 980 7804
Issue 1 – April 2014
Page 4
Step 6
Final Comments
Because of the nature of the original servo control system, you will not be able to achieve
much speed control of the motor, except for very small movements of the transmitter joystick.
Over most of the joystick range, the motor will run at its maximum speed.
This will not usually be a problem, however, as the main application for low speed motors is
likely to be for winches, or similar, which normally run at a fixed speed.
A bigger problem may be maintaining zero speed with the transmitter joystick in the neutral
position, as any slight variation of transmitted pulse width will cause the motor to jitter or
If this is a problem,
Timpdon Electronics
manufactures a range of servo adaptors which can
overcome this, for a number of specific applications. Please ask for details.
Finally, re-assemble all of the gears on the top plate,
refit the top cover and tighten all fixing screws.
Your converted servo is now ready to use as a slow
speed motor gearbox.
Simply plug it into the required RC receiver channel.
Set the transmitter joystick to the centre neutral
position and, if necessary, adjust the joystick trim until
the output shaft is stationary.
Then check that, as the joystick is moved in one
direction, the output shaft rotates, and that it rotates in
the opposite direction if the joystick direction is