Timpdon Electronics
0161 - 980 7804
Issue 1 – April 2014
Page 3
Step 4
Step 5
Carefully file away the tab on the underside of the
output shaft gear which provides the end stops. You
may also need to file away part of the fixed stops on the
top mounting plate of the servo to ensure that there is
no chance of the shaft hitting the end stops as it rotates.
Carefully drill out the flat down the centre of the output
shaft to a diameter sufficient to ensure that the feedback
potentiometer shaft is clear and can not rotate with the
output shaft.
Use the smallest drill which will clear the potentiometer
shaft to avoid weakening the output shaft moulding.
Temporarily refit the output shaft and check that it will
rotate freely without binding.
If you have your transmitter available, connect the servo
to the channel you will be using to control it, and power
up the servo with the output shaft disconnected.
Set the transmitter joystick to the centre neutral [stop]
position. Then using a small pair of pliers, manually
adjust the position of the potentiometer shaft until the
motor is stationary.
Once the correct position has been found, you may wish
to lock the potentiometer shaft with a small dab of glue.
Ensure that you do not get glue on the output shaft
bearing surfaces.
If a transmitter is not available, set the potentiometer
shaft as closely as possible to the half way position
between its end stops.
This procedure should ensure that you will be able to
calibrate the motor stop position with your transmitter
joystick in the centre neutral position when in use,
within the range of the channel trim adjustment.