User's Manual | ACOM eBox | Ethernet Remote Control Device
October 2021
S e c t i o n ABOUT DOCUMENTATION | Page 3 of 60
All ACOM documentation (including manuals, brochures, specifications, descriptions, presentations, video
materials, etc.) are based on the latest available information at the time of creation of our documents.
As we always strive to constantly improve and update our products, ALL PRODUCTS, PRODUCT
SPECIFICATIONS AND DATA ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. ACOM reserves the right to make changes and
improvements at any time without further notice or obligation to notify any person or organization of such
revisions or changes, made in order to improve the reliability, function, quality and design, and/or
performance of the ACOM products and services.
Further, this User
s Manual is provided AS IS and ACOM shall not be liable for possible errors contained
This manual supersedes all previous editions, which thereby become invalid.
The cover images used in the manual are illustrative only.
We are continuously striving to improve our documentation, but nobody is perfect.
And our documentation is not an exception of this rule.
Have you found any errors or would you like to suggest changes in our documentation?
Please help us by sending your suggestions to the following e-mail address:
The latest versions of our User's Manuals are available at
We highly recommend you to use this manual in electronic form as PDF-file instead of printed version. The
PDF-file is easy to read on any computer, tablet, smart phone or other similar device. In the PDF file you
will find the necessary information very fast due to context-oriented links (marked in
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including context-linked Table of Content.
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