User's Manual | ACOM 700S | 1.8-54 MHz Linear Amplifier
May 2021
S e c t i o n GENERAL INFORMATION | Page 9 of 52
5" high resolution color display (108x65 mm), 800x480 pixels, and 24-bit color.
The ACOM 700S amplifier uses a rugged LDMOS transistor.
Compatible with all transceiver models available on the market - does not need any special signals:
"ground on transmit" and less than 40 W of RF drive power is sufficient.
Broadband input circuit, providing a perfect transceiver load with SWR below 1.2:1 (typically 1.1:1),
without retuning throughout the whole frequency range from 1.8 to 54 MHz.
The overall operation of ACOM 700S is extremely simplified: the screen menus are intuitive and easy
to follow, no special skill is required from the operator when changing frequency bands.
Automatic control - when connected to a transceiver with CAT capability, the amplifier will track the
operating frequency, and will change bands accordingly.
Even if not CAT connected, the amplifier monitors the input signal frequency through the built-in
frequency counter and automatically switches bands.
Remotely controlled by RS-232 port and via Internet by the ACOM eBox Ethernet Remote Control
Takes care of itself via continuously working protection circuits in all modes.
The operator can monitor numerically more than 10 parameters of the amplifier in operation.
Easy maintenance - detailed data (55 parameters) about each of the last 28 hard-fault protection trips
is stored in the amplifier's non-volatile memory.
Convenient for expeditions and field operation due to the extremely compact and lightweight
construction and the built-in switching-mode power supply (SMPS).
SMPS operates with extended mains voltage range of 100-240 VAC, with no internal switch over. The
consumed current is purely sinusoidal, Power Factor Corrected (PFC) and inrush limited. This makes
the operation from unstable mains and generators easy and trouble-free.
Perfect electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) with both highly sensitive devices and the powerful
devices in the radio station (receivers, computers, other amplifiers) exceeding the standard EMC
requirements due to the used PFC and built-in radio-frequency filters.