User's Manual | ACOM 700S | 1.8-54 MHz Linear Amplifier
May 2021
S e c t i o n OPERATION | Page 31 of 52
The second protection level - SOFT FAULT
The second protection level is a SOFT FAULT - when a value exceeded the safe level, but does not put the
amplifier in a danger of a failure.
At the second level (SOFT FAULT) the amplifier reverts to Stand-by mode for four seconds or permanently
depending on whether the "AUTO OPERATE" user setting had been activated. A respective message is
shown on the screen, for example "Excessive Reflected Power", "Excessive Drain Current", and others,
accompanied by a sound alarm (unless the sound had not been muted - see Section
Unlike those for a WARNING, the SOFT FAULT messages remain on the screen and persist until the operator
pushes any button - in order to confirm that the message is read - or until the OPERATE mode is resumed
automatically if the AUTO OPERATE user setting is active - see Section
A SOFT FAULT calls for fast and simple correcting actions by the operator, such as, for example, reducing
the drive power, improving of load SWR through retuning the antenna tuner, antenna change, etc.
The third protection level - HARD FAULT
The third and most serious protection level is a HARD FAULT. The amplifier will be turned off automatically
to avoid possible further damages.
When the protection trips off, the data about the fault is stored in the memory and the front panel screen
is blanked. There is also a sound alarm - a series of "F" sent in CW.
If the reason for tripping the protection is not obvious, you can try to turn on the amplifier. If the amplifier
allows this after the fault, a fault message will appear with information about the reason for the latest
automatic shutdown (for example, overheating of the power supply unit or of the PA stage).
After pushing any button, the fault message will disappear, and if there are no further problems (for
example, the overheated unit has already cooled down), the amplifier operation will be restored. In the
event a threshold is still violated, a new message will appear on the screen, or the protection will trip again
immediately after the recovery attempt.
If the problem persists, contact your dealer (see Section
At each "HARD FAULT" shutdown the amplifier stores diagnostic data, concerning the controls and values,
the trip time, and others. Your dealer or his service may ask you to copy or take a picture on the data from
the amplifier screen or download it by RS-232 interface and store it in a computer file (see Section