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Access to the Operate mode can be banned in the menu AMP SERVICE,
the OPERATE ACCESS option (S. 5-2 and Fig. 5-2). The ban is universal.
option - can be activated or deactivated by the operator in the USER
PREFERENCES menu – S. 5-4 and Fig. 5-4 - or through remote commands by the RS232 interface.
When the AUTO OPERATE option is deactivated, the two modes Operate and Stand-by can be changed
alternatively via the OPR/STB button or by commands OPR and STB by the RS232 interface. Besides this, at a
protection trip of the type SOFT FAULT, the amplifier returns to and remains in Stand-by mode, waiting for
external intervention. For restoring of the operation, the operator must press the OPR/STB button manually or to
feed remote command OPR by the RS232 interface.
When AUTO OPERATE is active (S. 5-4), the amplifier goes automatically to Operate mode immediately after
power on without waiting for an OPR command by the interface or pressing the STB/OPR button by the operator.
At a protection trip of the type SOFT FAULT, the amplifier will first go to Stand-by mode (same as at the
deactivated option), but afterwards it will return automatically to Operate mode after about 4 seconds without
need of the operator to press any button. Thus, the amplifier will automatically seek to "support” Operate mode
always when this is admissible.
Anyway, even at activated AUTO OPERATE option, the operator can return to and remain in the Stand-by mode
also manually – through the OPR/STB button or by STB command by the serial RS232 interface. This will
suppress temporarily the AUTO OPERATE function and the amplifier will go to and remain in the Stand-by mode.
The next pressing of the OPR/STB button or sending OPR command by the interface will turn the amplifier in the
Operate mode and will restore the normal operation of the AUTO OPERATE option (provided it had been active
before the command).
Band change, standard and expanded frequency coverage
When the amplifier is connected to a transceiver with the CAT/AUX interface or to a computer with the RS232
interface, the change of the frequency bands (i.e. change of the amplifier harmonic filters) occurs automatically,
following the operating frequency changes from the transceiver or from the computer.
In the Stand-by mode the change of bands through the CAT/AUX interface
is deactivated temporarily; It is restored at returning to the Operate mode.
The RS232 band change commands operate continuously. If the amplifier gets a band change command during
transmission, the transmission is blocked temporarily while the command is being performed; the amplifier
operation is restored after the change of the low-pass filters for the new band.
When the amplifier is not connected to any interface, the band changes can be accomplished manually or again
automatically – through the built-in frequency counter in the amplifier.
Manual changes of the frequency bands can be done from the basic screen (Fig. 3-2) by the BAND buttons – up
and down. They can be done also in the Stand-by mode as well in the Operate mode, but only during reception.
Automatic change of a frequency band via the built-in frequency counter of the amplifier or with CAT/AUX is
performed only in the Operate mode. In the Stand-by mode the frequency changes are continuously followed (with
the frequency counter – only during transceiver transmissions) but are not performed physically by the low-pass
filters. The latest frequency change is performed at entering the Operate mode.
When you rely on an automatic change with the built-in frequency counter, it is a good practice (although not
compulsory), that selecting a new band the operator makes one quite short “preliminary” transmission (100ms is
enough) and leave a pause (also short) before the main transmission. During this pause the amplifier will change
the band according to the new frequency without RF power, after which the operator can continue his operation as
If the new frequency is within the range admissible for the amplifier but outside the currently selected band, the
amplifier control unit temporarily blocks transmission while the change of the harmonics filter for the respective
new band lasts, after which the transmission continues on the new frequency as usual.