Fig.2-1 Splitter / combiner Connections (only one amplifier is shown. The same connections should be run to the other
two amplifiers)
Fig.2-2 Splitter / combiner Connectors
Connect the three supplied 1.5m RG213 coaxial cables with PL-259 plugs from the amplifiers outputs to the
splitter / combiner PA1 OUTPUT, PA2 OUTPUT, and PA3 OUTPUT receptacles.
Connect the three supplied 1.5m RG58 coaxial cables with PL-259 plugs from the amplifiers inputs to the
splitter / combiner PA1 INPUT, PA2 INPUT and PA3 INPUT receptacles.
Connect the three supplied 1.5 m RCA connector cables from the amplifiers KEY IN sockets to the splitter /
combiner KEY IN 1, KEY IN 2, and KEY IN 3 sockets. If paired RCA cables are supplied use the same color