⑦ "SYNC CV" knob
It is an attenuverter for the CV signal to control the "THRESHOLD" of the sync
type. Input a CV signal from the ⑫ "SYNC CV" input jack.
⑧ "PW" knob
Adjust manually the Pulse Width Modulation.
⑨ "PWM CV" knob
This is the attenuator for the CV signal from the ⑭ "PWM" input jack.
⑩ "1V/OCT" input jack
Input for the "PITCH" CV signal of a keyboard or sequencer.
⑪ "SYNC" input jack
This input jack is for an external signal to synchronize the VCO. On positive zero
crossing of the incoming signal, the VCO-core will reset.
⑫ "SYNC CV" input jack
The incoming CV signal blends the type of oscillator sync continuously from No
Sync → Soft Sync → Hard Sync. ⑦ "SYNC CV" knob acts as an Attenuverter for
the incoming CV signal.
⑬ "LIN FM" input jack
For linear modulation with manual amount control, AC coupled and con�igured
like a differentiator. This prevents detuning, caused by a DC-component in the
modulation signal to a big extent since the input is AC-coupled, input cannot be
used for liner tune of VCO.
⑭ "PWM" input jack
This is an input jack for controlling Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) with a CV
signal. ⑨ "PWM CV" knob is an attenuator.
⑮ "Saw Wave" output jack
Output jack for sawtooth wave.
⑯ "Inverted Saw Wave" output jack
Output jack for inverted sawtooth wave.
⑰ "Triangle Wave" output jack
Output jack for triangle wave.
⑱ "Sine Wave" output jack
Output jack for sine wave.
⑲ "Pulse Wave" output jack
Output jack for Pulse wave. Adjust the Pulse Width Modulation manually with
the ⑧ "PW" knob or adjust with a CV signal from ⑭ "PWM" input jack.